My Holiday Story

Once upon a time…….(a true story)


Halloween is a special day, and this year was no different. It occurred on a Monday and despite that being our day off work, I rode my commuter bicycle to Office Depot to buy printer ink so that we could complete our Annual Appeal Letter. Several items were on my to-do list for that day, so I was in a self-proclaimed rush mode.

While heading north on 27th Avenue, traffic quickly approached from behind, so I decided to ride on the sidewalk for the last couple of blocks. I was aiming for the yellow ramp when suddenly, a lady blocked my path. But no worries, the curb appeared tapered next to the ramp, and I could undoubtedly jump it! Unfortunately, as I came closer, I realized it was higher than expected. My bike cartwheeled and landed on top of me. It all seemed in slow motion when I hit the curb. It was quiet, and I could hear birds chirp. I remember thinking; Mag, this is going to hurt!

Better lucky than good

Luck was with me in a big way. There was no blood and no scratches. I wore a helmet and managed to brace myself for the impact. Unfortunately, I soon realized that I had sustained an injury to my left lower leg. After contemplating my next move, I decided to get some ice from Publix, then call an Über to take me to the urgent care center. After a brief examination, I was directed to the emergency room at Doctors Hospital. The diagnosis was a ruptured Achilles tendon. Ouch!

Best Advice

Earlier in the year, someone very influential suggested I become more of a delegator. "Give your staff a chance to step up and lead! If not, your business will not grow and prosper." It was great advice, but it sure is hard to let go!

I would never have changed if it weren't for my biking accident! At first, I was depressed but soon realized this was the opportunity to follow the advice I had received. It was a defining moment! I stayed away from docks and boats for 49 days and have not been on the water since the accident.

Thankfully, our volunteers stepped up in a big way! They are all extremely competent, and each has areas of expertise where they are better than me!

The Team has come together over a few years and, in some cases, longer than that, so they know what to do. But, of course, we all strive to improve and further our protocol. In short, we have a well-oiled machine here at Team Paradise!