Bay Play Sailing Camp News

Bay Play Sailing Camp: Session 1 – Week 1

With one week of Bay Play Sailing Camp in the books, we are excited to share with you a little bit about how sailing camp is going during these unusual and challenging times.  We have limited attendance to accommodate social distancing requirements and begin each day with a digital temperature reading of campers and staff.  Our boats and equipment are washed down daily, and Team Paradise offices and high-touch areas are regularly sanitized.  Hand Sanitizer with 80% alcohol is provided and frequent handwashing is encouraged.

Instruction takes place in the 2nd floor breezeway, where campers have assigned seating placed at least six-feet apart unless they are on the same “quaranteam”.  (Quaranteams consist of family members or kids from the same social bubble).  We have been minimizing land-based instruction and maximizing time out on the water. 

Our sailing camp is designed as a fun and exciting introduction to small sailboats and gives kids a running start into the world of sailing. Campers are learning about basic water safety principles, knots, rigging, seamanship skills, points of sail, along with steering and sail trim. Games and drills on and off the water are helping to build confidence and self-awareness in a fun and safe environment.

We still have a few spots available in Session 2 (July 6 through July 17).  If you or someone you know has kids between 10 and 15 years who might be interested, please click here to find out more.

Here are a few photos from week one of camp!

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