adaptive sailing with a global approach

Team Paradise's original mission in 2005 was “to provide Paralympic sailing equipment and coaching support to sailors, no matter where they were from”. It all changed after the 2016 Games in Rio de Janeiro when sailing was dropped from Paralympic competition. Team Paradise shifted its focus to inclusive sailing, providing sailing opportunities for ALL people which evolved as a community organization.

When Isabella Morales, a broadcast journalism student at the University of Miami, reached out to us regarding a documentary on the transformative impacts of aquatic activities on people with physical and/or disabilities, we did not hesitate to invite them aboard.

This documentary highlights the research behind maritime and aquatic activities for individuals living with paralysis. Researchers from the University of Miami and Florida International University come together to acheive one common goal, to better the lives of those with paralysis. In collaboration with the Miami Project to Cure Paralysis, this documentary strives to capture the scientific research and reality of maritime and aquatic activities for those living with paralysis.

bout Kerry Gruson

Kerry is the co-founder of ThumbsUp