Siebel Sailors Program Premier in Florida

~ By Siebel Coach MacKenzie McGuckin

 Clinic 1, Spring 2021

Sailing has NEVER looked so good!

It was a fabulous weekend kicking off the start of the 2021 Spring season for the Siebel Sailors at Team Paradise!

New Siebel Sailors took the tiller and learned to skipper their own boats this past weekend at Team Paradise Sailing in Miami during the 1st Spring 2021 Clinic.  With the sun shining and 8-12 knots both days, sailors were able to quickly learn about the Siebel values (fun, effort, respect, student voice, and inclusivity), the environment, how to sail, and how to be their best selves.

On Saturday, our new sailors, ranging between 10 and 16 years old, arrived not exactly sure what to expect for the weekend.  However, the unexplored territory did not scare any one of them away from the new opportunity to learn how to sail. Saturday started off strong with building the Siebel Team's Crew Code or set of guidelines for everyone to follow within the Siebel Values that the sailors construct together.  They then learned the parts of the boat and how to rig the boat up (set up the boat) for sailing.  A quick boat ride, discussion about wind awareness, anemometers, and lunch at the sandbar - sailors then launched in sailboats with a friend and learned how to steer our RS Feva sailboats around the mooring field.  To wrap up the day, we did a "Keep, Stop, Start" activity where sailors were able to tell us what they wanted to keep doing, stop doing, and start doing going into day two of our clinic weekend.

When sailors arrived on Sunday, they were eager to have some more fun!  The morning kicked off with a STEM and career connection to Marine Engineering with a clay boat activity where sailors had to build a boat out of clay and see who could hold the most washers inside the boat without sinking it.  We discussed Archimedes principle, water displacement, density, and surface area.  After a tight competition of washer holding, all sailors participated in a scavenger hunt within the boat park picking up specific items but also collecting as much trash as they could find.  A land demo of tacking (turning the boat) and a trip to the sandbar then lead to lunch, everyone going sailing, and some sailors even trying it on their own! 

As we debriefed prior to everyone leaving I asked two questions...the first question was "Do you all want to come back?" and without any hesitation, each one of the sailors raised their hand eagerly and said, "I do!".  The second question was..."What are you all?" and their reply was "I am a sailor!".  

As a parent or guardian, or even an organizational leader who was involved in getting these new sailors to Team Paradise this weekend, I sincerely thank you.  These kids were able to try something new, step out of their comfort zone, and learn life skills.  They pushed themselves and each other to be the best they can be.  They supported, helped, and learned from one another.  They learned how to sail in just 2 short days and want to come back for more.  These kids can do whatever they set their minds to and each one of them should be very proud of themselves.

Fair Winds and Following Seas,