The Siebel Sailors Program #18

Biscayne Bay at its best!

How about this for wind forecast?: ...SMALL CRAFT SHOULD EXERCISE CAUTION...TODAY...East southeast winds 15 to 20 knots. Bay waters choppy.. TONIGHT...East southeast winds 15 to 20 knots with gusts to around 25 knots. Great conditions for us today! Add overcast (cloudy) with a bit of Sahara desert sand made it feel like no sunscreen was needed.!

Intermediate Sailors - Morning Session

SIx kids came to sail this morning. An even number of students works great. We used three RS Fevas and sailed double-handed. Everyone did great! The teams stayed close together, sailing up and down, having a blast. We sailed hard for about 1-1/2 hours and then headed back in. A coaching friend of mine was observing us from his apartment. He said: “I can’t believe that you guys were out there this morning, it was pretty windy. Your kids are fast learners!”


In order to speed up the learning process, I’m encouraging the kids to visit in order to prepare for their next lesson!

Siebel 5/21/22 by Magnus Liljedahl

Beginner Sailors - Afternoon Session

The breeze mellowed out just in time for the afternoon session. The timing could not have been any better. There were “only” ten kids, plus three intermediate sailors from the morning session, The coaching staff was pretty strong with Marite, Mo, Ed, Cory, and yours truly. Susan was back in the office driving our mission control.

We decided on using two RS Ventures, the coach boat, and our wonderful safety boat. our goal was to sail for a while and then stop at the Twin Sister’s sandbar just east of Viscaya. we hung out for about one hour and then sailed back to port. We traded off helming (steering) the boats and also hiking with the trapeze.

Everyone helped out by putting boats and equipment back in resting mode. It all has to be what we call “ship shape”! It was the best joint effort of this year, so far.

Next weekend, May 28, is the last session of the 2021-2022 school year. We are planning for a short ceremony, so please don’t miss it! 🙂