Special Sailors

Inclusive Sailing

One category that we don’t hear much about during the Covid pandemic is families with special needs members. It’s a sensitive segment because these individuals typically have underlying conditions. Stuck in their homes with nowhere to go, these families could certainly use a break. It was about time we did something about that!

The term “inclusive sailing,” is very fitting. It brings the parents of special sailors and their children together with Team Paradise volunteers for a play-day sailing on Biscayne Bay. As a sailing organization, we have access to some of the best volunteer sailors in the entire nation! These are kids who know how to sail and the good news is that they are in need of volunteer hours. Even if it doesn’t apply to everyone, they all benefit from being in an inclusive environment. The purpose of inclusive sailing is to bring people from different backgrounds together to create an understanding of one another in order to better appreciate who we are.

Sailing Across the Bay

This particular day (12/6/2020) was calm. Our six special sailors with their parents, along with our seven “rockstar” volunteers (plus yours truly) set off on a sail across the bay. We towed our two RS Ventures over to Key Biscayne’s West Point sand-bar. Our amazing safety boat fits twelve people so the parents and some of the volunteers rode in it. Once we towed across, the breeze finally arrived and stayed with us long enough to sail to “Nixon’s Beach.“ We anchored and had a picnic. Some of us went for a swim and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves.

Eventually, it was time to head back. The wind was gone, so we had to tow again. We made it back to our harbor like clockwork. Our special sailors and their parents walked away with a smile. Our volunteers made my life much easier by helping to clean and put the boats away.


What’s Next?

Team Paradise is planning on expanding inclusive sailing programs in 2021. There is definitely a need; however, the challenge for us is to raise enough funds to pay for it. These outings are free for the group, so the only income we receive comes from donations. If you feel lucky and want to make a contribution, please do not hesitate.

Let’s go Sailing,
