Flagship in paradise
Team Paradise has equipment and other components that make us unique and set us apart from similar organizations. Our Castoldi jet tender 21' is one example. It has an inboard diesel jet engine, water jet propulsion (propellerless), and a capacity of 12 people. She is a workhorse that we utilize about 60 days per year, and it is our flagship! Picture us down by the docks; the RS Fevas and both RS ventures were rigged with the kids aboard, and the Castoldi was also ready to depart. I get on board and turn the key, but nothing happens. She would not start. Something was seriously wrong. Luckily, our team member, Pat Downey, had his coach boat behind ours, ready to tow us out. Pat, who is always prepared for such situations, did a masterful job. Please know that it's not easy to tow a vessel heavier than the tow boat. Add that neither the tow boat nor the vessel being towed has a keel for steerage. We decided to anchor Inside the harbor, next to Paradise Island 305. Check out the picture album below to see the exact location.
Read on below…
It was a beautiful morning, but it also presented us with valuable learning moments. The sun warmed the air temperature rather quickly, and the breeze picked up drastically from the northeast. Both RS Fevas capsized due to missing stern plugs and eventually had to be towed back to shore. I'm still investigating whether the plugs were never installed or if they were installed and fell out. Regardless, this is a lesson for us all. It's a reminder of the importance of our standard operating procedures (SOP), which we have not had printed and displayed for review before sailing. A couple of weeks ago, the Castoldi was launched without its drain plug installed, leading to the boat filling up with water and flooding part of the engine. As a result, the starter had to be replaced. This, too, is a lesson in accountability. These experiences, while challenging, are also opportunities for growth and learning.
The above made me include a snippet of my favorite teambuilding book, the Five Dysfunctions of a Team, by Patrick Lecioni.
Please tell me, what teacher doesn't like when a teaching moment presents itself? The greater purpose of Team Paradise is to teach our precious students lessons they can benefit from during their journey through life.
Trust one another
Engage in unfiltered conflict around ideas
Commit to decisions and plans of action
Hold one another accountable for delivering against those plans
Focus on the achievement of the collective results
The metaphor "we can't control the weather, but we can adjust our sails" holds! As a sailor, there is more than one way to compensate for adverse conditions. It begins with the crew. Questions that need answers include: are they up for the task, and is there a weak link? Has the boats and equipment been properly maintained? Do we have a weather report with all the information: wind speed and direction, air temperature, cloud coverage, precipitation, and thunderstorms? After considering all of the above, let's make a float plan…..
This true story played out during Session 8 - Episode 2
Coaches Josh and Mo used the Boston Whaler and went out with 10 sailors and five RS Fevas. They also had one RS Venture with four STEM sailors in their group. Instead of sailing upwind and downwind, the group sailed laterally. The second RS venture was towed behind the Castoldi safety boat. It had Justine and Gemma and four STEM sailors aboard. The second RS Venture had no sails hoisted. We towed them to Paradise Island 305, basically inside the harbor. We anchored up on the lee side, which was as calm as a bowl of yogurt. The kids traded off sailing on the other boats, and everyone had a great time. Check out the pictures and video and see for yourself.
@healthylittlehavana, @careelementary, @damianpardod2, @coconutgroveelementary
It’s a win-win
Thank you, volunteers, students, teachers, parents/caregivers, and benefactors for making my dream come true. Removing any of the categories above would have prevented our achievements today from happening. Thank You!
Consider this homework. I’m urging the NEXT LEVEL sailors to scroll to the bottom of the page and study what‘s there. From now on, we have to line up together every Saturday we sail
Lining up! This is what’s you should look like. Each boat is not overlapped, but at the very least, they are in the same picture frame, the sails are trimmed correctly and they are all pointing in somewhat the same direction. Let's do it!
Encourage your sailor to learn more, and please visit our online classroom. https://www.teamparadise.org/classroom and https://www.teamparadise.org/next-level-coaching