The Siebel Sailors Program #18

Final Siebel sailors program of the year

Yes, today was the final Siebel Sailors Program day of 2021! Kids from Breakthrough Miami joined our weekly-attending youth sailors, with most of these Breakthrough kids returning to us on a near-weekly basis. It’s encouraging to see how their young lives are impacted by learning to sail on any given weekend. Biscayne Bay has so much to offer!

It was a tricky day with rain and thunder in the forecast. Sure enough, as we had the sails hoisted and were ready to sail, a big squall had us quickly move back into the building to seek shelter. Once the storm passed, the wind was almost gone! Our original plan for the day was to sail across the Bay to the West Point of Key Biscayne, but we had to change our destination and sail to the Sister Banks, just east of Vizcaya, instead.

What really warmed my heart was how much fun everyone had! During the after-sail debriefing, the kids were asked if they want to come back next year, and there was an overwhelmingly loud “YES”! On behalf of myself and Team Paradise staff and volunteers, we fully agree!


Siebel#18(video) by Magnus Liljedahl


Siebel Sailors Program Attendance 2021

The Siebel Sailors Program 2021 by Magnus Liljedahl