Feeling Cooped Up?

You’re Not Alone!

We are anxious to get everyone back out on the water!

While everyone is staying home and practicing social distancing, Mother Nature is breathing a very big sigh of relief! Less traffic and turbulence have helped clear the air and the waters, and we are more mindful than ever of the precious resource that is Biscayne Bay.

As Mother Nature is taking care of the earth, we are taking care of Team Paradise! During this unanticipated pause in our programing, we are minimizing expenditures and maximizing any assistance available to keep Team Paradise Sailing. We are also looking forward to the time when we can get our boats back in the water. We can’t wait to breathe in the fresh sea air, soak in the UV rays, and enjoy Biscayne Bay like never before! 

Governor DeSantis announced that he will be assembling a task force to focus on when and how to best reopen the state. “We’ve got to figure out a way to get people to be able to enjoy the outdoors, to be able to go out of the house,” said the Governor. One of the first things to reopen will be parks and open spaces, which means sailing will be one of the first activities to come back online once social distancing restrictions are lifted.

After being confined for sooooo looooong by the “Safer at Home” initiative, doesn’t sailing sound nice?  Being out on the water can increase overall health for you and your family, and the physical and mental health benefits are well documented. Sailing feeds your soul! Take a moment to check out our website to learn about our sailing excursions, sailing lessons and corporate teambuilding regattas. We are here for you when you are ready to get back out there!

As a US Sailing Accredited Community Sailing Center, Team Paradise provides therapeutic sailing to our veterans with disabilities and the under-served youth in our community. If there is any way you can help us stay afloat during this turbulent economic time, please donate! If you need a little encouragement, recently enacted tax laws allow you to claim your donation “above the line” without itemizing. You can claim your donation on your tax return while also taking the standard deduction. Please know that every little bit helps, and your support means so much!

We’ll be launching boats before you know it!

In the meantime stay home, stay socially distant and stay safe!