Making a difference

Group shoot on the final day

Day 1 - Waterfront Excursion

It looked like a calm day, so we boarded our safety boat for an excursion along the waterfront heading toward the Gables Waterway. We passed by some reputable private schools and awesome properties along the way. It was low tide, so we had to shut the engine down several times and push the boat with an oar. We turned back just before the Coconut Plum circle. The breeze had picked up, and we sped up for an exhilarating ride back to base for lunch. We did manage to get back out with one RS Feva and one RS Venture.

Week-3-Day-1-SC-2023 by Team Paradise Sailing

Day 2 - West Point Key Biscayne

t turned out to be a beautiful and exciting day. The forecast called for S-SE winds of 5 to 10 kt, with thunderstorms and showers likely, mainly in the morning. According to the radar, it would pass just north of us. We sailed out early to assess the conditions, heading towards Key Biscayne. About 1/3 out, it started raining. Then the visibility worsened, and we could no longer see Key Biscayne. Turning around and sailing back to port was an option, but we continued our journey across the bay with the safety boat following close to the campers. As anticipated, the sky eventually cleared over Key Biscayne, and we were on course to the best camp destination on Biscayne Bay. Then the wind fizzled out, so we began towing, first the Feva with Paz and Pickel. We dropped them off at the sandbar with Gregg, then returned to get the RS Venture with Jian, Enzo, Juan C, and Juan Seb. We all agreed the West point of Key Biscayne is a perfect 10! It was calm, with super clear water and blue skies. We had lunch and hung out, listening to mellow music by Mo, playing in the water, and enjoying one others company. Jian and Pickle took the Feva out for a spin. Then it was time for our voyage back across the bay. We stayed close with the campers all the way. 

Week-3-Day-2-SC-2023 by Team Paradise Sailing

Day 3 - West Point Key Biscayne

During the morning briefing, the campers voted on our destination for the day. Everyone agreed that the West Point of Key Biscayne was their favorite, and that was where they wanted to go. The weather forecast called for N winds of 5 kt, becoming S SE in the afternoon, with a chance of showers and thunderstorms. Looking out from the second floor of the sailing center, it looked dead calm out there. We decide to tow one RS Feva and one RS Venture out in search of wind. Ed pointed us at Key Biscayne at a mellow speed. As we approached our target, we came upon a school of Dolphins, which is always pretty awesome.After anchoring up, we had our picnic aboard the safety boat/tugboat. Then it was time to explore nature. The water was very warm and on the borderline of too hot. The breeze started to fill in from SE. Jian took Pickle out for a spin in the RS Feva, and then it was time to sail back to base. Once we cleared Key Biscayne, we had ideal conditions sailing two legs of a triangle, including a gybe. What a great day we had!

Week-3-Day-3-SC-2023 by Team Paradise Sailing

Day 4 - West Point Key Biscayne

Another day in paradise! It started out just like the day before. We towed the RS Venture and RS Feva heading for Key Biscayne. Dolphins greeted us along the way. The shifty wind started to fill in, and the campers began sailing. Then we had a shower or two. We anchored up at the sandbar and had our picnic. Campers could not wait to hop in and explore. The sandbar became a classroom where Ed taught valuable scouting skills. Then the skies turned dark over the mainland and to the south. Soon realized the two options we had, seek shelter in Hurricane Harbor, or head for home. Mother Nature gave us a break, and we began sailing back. The good news was that we had wind and could point our boats toward home. The dark clouds were approaching, and the wind was picking up. The RS Venture was in front, with Jian, J C, J Seb, and Enzo. The Feva, with Pazi and Pickel, was the slower boat and more vulnerable. The obvious choice was to stay close to them. The wind eventually picked up to somewhere between 15-18 kt. We had not seen this amount of wind all week. It created a great coaching opportunity. They were chatting and laughing all the way back to port!

Week-3-Day-4-SC-2023 by Team Paradise Sailing

Pazi and Pickel had no idea what an exhilarating and fun experience they would have today! Click the picture to view the video (you may have to enter an email and receive a code to enter).

Day 5 - West Point Key Biscayne

Again, we had to tow out parts of the way out. Eventually, the wind picked up, and everyone took the opportunity to helm! Again, the campers preferred to sail instead of playing on the sandbar or chilling in the safety boat. Just what we were hoping for! Ed completed the checklist for J C, J Seb, and Enzo for their Small-Boat Sailing Merit Badge.

Week-3-Day-5-SC-2023 by Team Paradise Sailing

Last day for these three campers, who also attended week-1. From left to right: Juan Seb, coach Ed, Enzo, Juan C and Magnus